Tuesday, April 15, 2014

flax rock

                            Flax Rock                              

I could feel my hands sweating like a burning potato. My shoes had bad grip I got up a hard bit then I slipped, I got a bit ignored but I did it again and I passed my record and I was happy. I put my right hand up on a rock and I did the same with my left hand.I felt like I was flying in the air but I was hovering in the air.

        My favorite thing at flax rock was hovering
              My most challenging thing was climbing with sweaty hands
              I am most proud of is always climbing higher and higher.  




Wednesday, April 09, 2014

My team's logo

This is my team's banner that we did. Their names are
Elijah and Brayden and Brooklyn and Jaidyn and Kayla. 
We had so much fun doing the banners.

Somewhere today

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Colours of the week

Monday is green getting ready.
Tuesday is  black going back to school.
Wednesday is berry for playing with cousins.
Thursday is magenta waiting for camp.
Friday is yellow the start of the weekends.
Saturday is white & black of a soccer ball & a goal.
Sunday is blue sleeping in and having fun.

Kaitiaki of the Stream

Kaitiaki of the Stream
Text Type: Summary
Purpose: Inform the reader
WALT use different sentence starters
I know can do this when:
  • My sentences start with different words
  • Capital letters to start sentences and for someone’s name
  • Full stops at the end of the sentences

Kaitiaki means the guardian. To be a guardian you look after something. You have the responsibility to care for it. Pataka Moore is the kaitiaki of the Mangapouri Stream by Ōtaki. He tries to keep the stream clean and look after it by talking to the people about its importance.

The stream is important because of the tuna (eels). It is the community’s stream and they want to look after it. They have used it in the past for kai, as a type of fridge, for bathing and drinking. Now the stream is polluted.

The community want to save the Mangapouri stream and they are working hard to get it clean again. one thing they can do think of ourselves as kaitiaki or guardians of their waterfall. They all need to be responsible.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Cousin poem

              He’s a….
                       Minecraft player
                       PlayStation slayer  
                       Food eater
                       Heavy sleeper
                        Soccer player
                        Scooter rider
                         Pizza lover
                         McDonald's muger
                          Black ops 2 player
                          Dad lover
                          Mum lover
                          Cool chips muger

Friday, April 04, 2014

This device (phone) is broken.

Write about a time you broke something!


Imagine that you broke your device or phone and describe how it happened.

WALT use different sentence starters and lengths.

To do this, I will try to:
  • Start sentences with different words
  • Start sentences with capital letters
  • Use other punctuation (check the ladder)
  • Show my feelings
  • Use my senses to describe
  • Include strong verbs

A Man fell off a cliff, landed on a bouncy castle, went back up a waterfall and face planted on the ground, his phone fell out and landed on a rock in the water fall. He thought his phone broke but it didn’t. 10 seconds later he sees that his phone was going to fall. He jumped and he just made it (crack!) he heard a crack in his phone it was a little crack. It was in the top right corner. He was happy that it wasn’t a big crack. But his hands were wet because when he saved his phone his hands got wet from the waterfall. His phone slipped out of his hands and landed on the ground. (Clang!) his hole phone screen was cracked all over.