Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Abandoned Haunted House

My Best Learning

This is my free choice writing
IALT write descriptively

The Abandoned Haunted House

Ring! Ring! “Oscar, do you want to go explore a haunted house with me, you, Cameron, Rory and Amos”
“Sure thing”
“Meet me there at 4pm okay”
“Yep” replied Oscar. 2 hours later the whole group was there and we all are deciding who's going first. 1 minute later I decide I will go first, right at that moment the door randomly opens. We are all concerned how did that happen so I walk in with everyone following behind me. SLAM! The door slams shut behind us and we all jump with shivers down our spines. “How did that happen” said Cameron
“Well it is a haunted house” Brayden replied. Couple minutes later Amos and Rory found something interesting it was a old room from like 50 years ago. “Guys come in here now”! Amos and Rory shouted “what is it” Oscar shouts back “It’s a really old room” Rory said “We will be there soon”. Everyone gathered up at the stairs then we went to explore the room, but we I look back right in front of my eyes there is writing on the wall that has been written in blood. At that moment I feel really really cold like there is a ghost that went through me. I get a little scared but then Crack!  Everyone hears the weird sound too, I go back down the stairs with everyone behind me and I turn around and right there is a scary door that looks like it leads to a secret lab I shout to everyone “COME HERE NOW”! Everyone sprints over and I open the door, AHHHHH!


I am proud of this because I tried my hardest and I put lots of effort into it.

My biggest challenge was trying to think what to write about and how I should write it.


  1. That is very awesome. You made me want to read more. Great blogpost keep up the great work.
    Ruby :)

  2. grate hoked

  3. WOW that is a great story brayden nice job:)

  4. That is so cool brayden it was very interesting i like the charicters that was a brilliant story.

  5. Wow that is awesome i really want to see more know there is so much punctuation well done Brayden :)

  6. Interesting story Brayden I liked where it said Shivers down our spines well done:-)

  7. Love the story and the detail keep the blog posts up well one :)

  8. Done I mean Sorry
