Thursday, May 21, 2015

Compering The Weta

Kahurangi Reading Task
  1. Compare the Cave Weta to a regular weta in the table below.

What is special about the Cave Weta?
What is the same about both Weta?
What is special about a regular weta?
They don’t need eyes to see.
They are both called Weta.
They have eyes
They are ancient.
They both have been in a cave.
Weta have long whiskery antennae
They are bigger than average insects.
They both are Wetas.
They have ears in an odd place
Cave weta’s eat plants dead animals and fungi.
They both have good hearing.
The weta is only found in New Zealand and is so old it has outlived the dinosaurs.
They need to climb and jump all over the place looking for their scarce food.
They both have long whiskery antennae.
Weta are large by insect standards. Some of the giant weta are enormous and are amongst the heaviest insects in the world.
They have very long, spindly legs to help them get about skillfully.
They both have a face.
The weta is sometimes called the dinosaur of the insect world.

2. Make a connection with this text

Cave Weta
Regular Wetas
Cave wetas have very long, spindly legs TT
Lots of people are scared of wetas  TW
I have never seen a cave weta in real life TS
I have never seen a regular weta in real life TS

We have been learning about different types of wetas like a regular weta and a cave weta. this is my weta connection task that I did.

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